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If Google says your website is unsafe

you are turning potential clients,
away from your business.

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Stop: What would you do, if your customers didn’t trust you?

Have you heard about

  • Google’s unsafe website warning?
  • It could harm your reputation and you could lose a lot of business!

The bad news is, Google plans to point fingers

  • The good news is, you can do something about it!
  • Have you heard about SSL certificates?

If you’re doing business with your clients online, chances are you’ve heard of Google’s unsafe website warning.
But if you haven’t, here’s the kicker: Google wants to make the internet safe. And although that actually sounds great, they also plan to point out websites like yours are unsafe to use.

Statistically, about 1% of the millions of websites online have taken the step to make their websites secure.
But even though your website is small, not redirecting to “HTTPS” is still a big deal. It means the internet giant will start warning visitors you’re lacking basic security features.
Google plans to make the internet a safer place. And in case you hadn’t heard, they’re planning to take this seriously.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are SSL Certificates?
You could compare an SSL certificate with a digital passport.
SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer and it represents a standard of security technology that protects your website.
With a valid SSL certificate installed, the data exchanged between your web server and the browser of your clients will remain intact.
Although you don’t literally see how a website works, when your clients enter sensitive information on your website, you need to ensure them it’s safe to proceed. And having a cryptographic key that acts as a shield can help you protect your customers from the cybercriminals!

What are the risks of not installing an extra security layer?
Google has recently announced they plan to point fingers. Without an SSL certificate, certain risks arise for business owners everywhere.

• A secure connection is impossible to establish without a valid cryptographic key. As a result, sensitive information may be at risk. Anything your clients share with your website can be seen or even stolen by unauthorized third parties;
• Google plans to make the internet a safer virtual environment for all of us. While the news should be thrilling, a downside does exist. Websites without a well trusted encrypted connection will soon be labeled as dangerous and deceptive;
• With Google’s new unsafe website warning in place, you can turn customers away in seconds. Once the unsafe warning pops up in their browser, your business website and brand could lose all credibility.

Why is importance to have SSL Certificate in my business website?
It’s important to point out that not all websites need to encrypt sensitive information. But if you’re running a business and collect sensitive data via your website, then it’s always better to be safe than sorry!
Cyber-attacks are not uncommon these days. And because of their increasing number, Google decided to do something about it. Since only 1% of the websites online have taken necessary safety precautions, the internet giant would like to encourage more webmasters to do the same.
Having an SSL certificate installed will ensure your visitors your website is secure. It protects your website and your customers’ data and it ensures all sensitive information is safely encrypted.

How to avoid Google’s Unsafe Website Warning?
The way to avoid being labeled as unsafe by Google is to get your own SSL certificate.
Securing your website is important, especially if you want your clients to trust you.
Protecting your business from cyber-attacks isn’t just “the latest internet trend”. It’s important to realize that in this day and age, we rely on the internet more than ever before.
Making your website safe for your clients means more customers for your business and more sales. You can help your business thrive by making sure your customer’s sensitive data is kept safe and handled with care.

Will your clients trust you more if your website is safe?
Having a secured website can definitely boost your brand’s credibility.
An SSL certificate is easily recognizable. The green browser address bar and the secure lock icon are clear indicators a website is safe to use.
Potential clients need to feel secure when sharing their personal information with you. Whether they’re buying your product directly from your website or simply leaving you their phone number through a simple web form, they still need to know you’re the only one who has access to their data!
Ensuring your customers you care about their privacy will help build trust and will boost your brand power.

What can you do to protect your customer’s safety?
Your customers will visit your website because they need your product or service. But they won’t be thrilled if you can’t protect their sensitive information!
In order to ensure your clients you care about their safety online, you should install a valid SSL certificate sooner rather than later.
But redirecting your small website to a strong HTTPS encryption isn’t easy. Don’t worry though. You can consult with an experienced webmaster and find out what kind of certificate would best fit your needs and have the technical aspect taken care of by a professional.
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